Friday, December 6, 2019

HIngedekuu toimetused teises klassis

Gaia lastel on kogu aeg midagi põnevat plaanis. Seekord vestab teise klassi õpetaja Kristel, mida nemad koos klassiga novembrikuus ette võtsid.

2.klass käis hingedekuul Viimsi vabaõhumuuseumis. Lapsed said palju häid näpunäiteid, kuidas mardi- ja kadrisantideks maskeeruda. Mängiti selleks ajaks sobivat herneste viskamise mängu. Kõik said proovida oma osavust herneid moosikeetmiseks kasutatud vaskpanni visates.

Järgmiseks harjutasid lapsed kadrilaulu Lingu talu ukse taga. Soovisid peremehele palju häid soove ning said toas küsida ka hulga mõistatusi. Peremehelgi oli santidele nii mõnigi mõistatus varuks ja lõpuks tänas ta sante ka väikeste andidega.

Peremehe palvel käidi lambaid toitmas ja mõni jäi lammastega suhtlema kauemakski.

Koostööd õpiti nii külakiigel hoo tegemisel kui maastikumängus erinevatele küsimustele vastuseid otsides.

Hämaras rehetoas kinnitati keha oma moonakotist meelepärast nosides ja Gustavi isa põnevaid lugusid kuulates.

Mere ääres turniti kividel, uudistati tormituulte toodud adruvalle, mis kunagi põldudele rammu andsid. Lõpuks uurisid lapsed erinevaid sõlmi, mida kalurid kasutasid.

Ja see pole veel kõik... Teise klassi seiklused jätkuvad juba õige varsti uute lugudega!

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Save the Earth Recycle All project meeting in Gaia school

Erasmus+ project

Learning, teaching and training activity
Meeting in Estonia, Gaia school 
November 17-22, 2019

Estonian meeting was the fourth project meeting and the main objective was to introduce partner schools the Gaia way of teaching and learning at school, Gaia school environment and approach towards teaching, how to become a green school and create the guidelines for green lifestyle for project partners.

First day of the meeting - November 18th

All participants gathered to Gaia school. They were welcomed by the group of Gaia school children and teachers who had prepared games and information about countries for the purpose of getting to know the people who had come to the meeting. Together they also created name tags. Each participant made their own name tag and also painted their names on the illustration on the wall. Gaia school children took the teams to the school tour where they showed the environment of everyday school life. We had a discussion about how Gaia school differs from normal state schools in Estonia and what are the main guidelines used in teaching and learning.

After lunch we discussed the week ahead and made sure that we all have the same idea and understanding of tasks during this week. 
Afternoon was spent in the old town of Tallinn. We participated in Tallinn Legends show, got a glimpse inside the history of Tallinn and Estonia, walked on the streets of old town and had lovely dinner. 

Second day of the meeting - November 19th

Every partner school had prepared their own workshop for the day. The purpose was to show the good practice of recycling or reusing materials. Gaia shcool new in advance what kind of materials were needed, so we had enough time to gather them. 
Estonian workshop - making paper. Gaia school teacher Kristel Saage has long experience of making recycled paper and now she was showing it to all participants. School environment is producing great amounts of paper which can be used in several ways. This kind of recycled paper was also used for making name tags and greeting cards for the guests. Every participant went practically through all stages of making paper and took the piece with them. 

Spanish workshop - making spinners. This was very fun way of making a toy which the children really like. Spanish children explained Gaia school kids the process of creating spinners and that was one of the highlights of the day. Estonian kids were sure that next project week few of them would like to conduct similar workshop for the rest of Gaia kids. 

Turkish workshop - making a scarf. The scarf making process is actually time consuming but the Turkish team did a great job showing the technique used for that so that every participant could take the task with them and continue when they like. Collecting the materials for that workshop was not easy because although we all eat ice cream a lot, we don’t tend to collect the wooden sticks, we just throw them away. This was great practice for kids, to really see that something this ordinary as ice cream wooden stick, can be used making something nice and useful. Lot of Gaia school kids continued scarf making throughout several days whenever they had free time. And yet again they decided that the experience is worth sharing with other children during the project week. 

Italian workshop - composting. Italian children had prepared very illustrative and clear presentation about what is the correct way of composting waste and what to do to get good soil. They also used material we gathered together from the school yard, to go through practical stages of making compost. This was very good knowledge, both theoretical and practical. Gaia school has a compost box in their school yard, so the mixes we made during workshop were all taken to the compost box. In spring we can use the soil for planting seeds and plants. 

Afternoon was for the tour again. This time Gaia school children took the guests to the school surroundings. They showed Kadriorg park, places Gaia school has outdoor lessons and can observe nature, the oak tree square where Gaia school starts and ends their school year (because they don’t do it inside the school house) and also specific Japanese garden, which is good for learning different plants that don’t normally grow in parks. The guests could also see the presidential palace of Estonia and beautiful Katharienthal Castle which nowadays serves as a national art museum.

Third day of the meeting - November 20th 

The beginning of the day was a field trip. We visited Estonian open air museum. The guests could observe how Estonian people used to live in old days, how they cooperated with nature and what were the materials used for building houses. After walking around the museum grounds, we gathered together in large classroom and participated in the lesson which introduced one of the important Estonian folk traditions - St. Catharina’s Day. Participating children could practically go through some activities connected to this celebration and they learned a lot about the reasons why we need to celebrate. Lot of recycled materials can be used in preparations for this tradition. 

Afternoon was project work at Gaia school. We talked about what kind of guidelines we should create for ourselves in order to follow green lifestyle and build sustainable life environment for ourselves. Gaia school kids had prepared a big wheel and now it was time to fill it with good ideas. Every team was eager to work and the end result was amazing. 

Our guidelines for green living: 
Own bio garden; remove plastic from oceans; separate waste; make bio waste compost; make cosmetics and perfumes myself; use reusable food wrappers; planting more trees; use public transport and bicycle; switch off electronical devices; recycle paper; turn off the lights; consume local foods.
All those great guidelines were artistically put inside our Green Wheel which stays on the wall of Gaia school and reminds us all the time about green lifestyle and sustainable living. 

Fourth day of the meeting - November 21st

This was the day of celebrations. First we all gathered together with the whole Gaia school and went on a parade. We celebrated St. Catherine’s Day, walked around the block and sang traditional songs. They are such songs where leading singer sings a prhase and then everybody repeats the same phrase. It is easy even if you don’t know the language. We also wished a lot of good luck to everybody by throwing seeds on the ground. Later on, the local birds will be very happy. 

After getting back to school house, we gathered together on the 3rd floor to celebrate further. This time with traditional dances. Gaia school kids had learned and prepared some dances and they showed them to everybody and asked the guests to join in. This was great practice and fun. Traditional dances are easy to remember and children as well as teachers enjoyed this interaction very much. 
After lunch we gathered together in circle again. During this meeting, one of the main practices of Gaia philosophy - the circle - was constantly used in every possible occasion. We started and ended the day with it. This time we had to evaluate and reflect the meeting. Every person could say what they learned and enjoyed during the meeting. The electronic version of the evaluation was filled also. After saying thanks and distributing certificates and gifts it was time for the traditional farewell dinner. This time the dinner was prepared by considering traditional food available in Estonia. During the whole meeting we tried to consume local food and prepared everything ourselves. No plastic or disposable tableware was used, we washed dishes ourselves and cleaned after ourselves. We have strongly deicded that green guidelines are here to stay and we will live by them. 

Great thanks to all participants, Gaia school team and people who helped organizing this meeting. See you next time in Bulgaria! 

Friday, October 25, 2019

Green curriculum ehk tee rohelise eluviisi poole

2019-2020 õppeaastal osaleb Gaia kool rahvusvahelises Nordplus Junior projektis Green curriculum.
Projekti idee ja põhimõtted on sündinud koostööst Gaia kooli ja Ikšķile kooli vahel ning kõlavad nii:
Project "Green curriculum" addresses the need of teachers to devote time to developing better ways
of teaching and including more environmental awareness in school curriculum. The aim of the project
is to develop methodology and pedagogical tools for partner schools to include issues of sustainable
development more into school curriculum. Project will strengthen professionalism and work skills of
teachers through international cooperation, it will provide new perspectives and increase understanding of other ways of teaching.
Project involves Ikšķile Free school in Latvia, Gaia School in Estonia and Grandaskóli in Iceland to share experiences and ideas on how to address environmental issues in all classes. Project consists of three teachers' mobilities in respective schools. Approach and methods of non-formal learning will be used to ensure a structured, purposeful and guided learning process allowing space for analysis, reflection and sharing.

Esimene koolitusnädal toimus Ikšķile koolis 13.-18. oktoobril. Gaia koolist osalesid koolitusel õpetajad Reeli, Triinu, Sirle, Annika ja Raine. Saime väga palju uusi kogemusi ning vahetuid ahhaa-momente, kuidas mingi asi lahendatud on.

1. Ikšķile kool asub linna serval ning omab üsna suurt krunti ümber maja. Tänu sellele on nad loonud viimase kuue aasta jooksul endale suurepärase aia, kus õpitakse kõike toidu kasvatamisega seonduvat. Lastel on oma peenrad (kui nad neid soovivad), neile antakse teadmisi permakultuurist, korraldatakse katseid, kuidas ja millises kohas mingi taim paremini kasvaks jne. Kogu õuealal on võimalik toimetada ning seal asub lisaks ka köögiviljaaed, kus kasvatatakse toitu oma köögi tarbeks. Kogutakse seemneid ning kasutatakse rahvuslikke sorte.
Selline aed on meil Gaia koolis unistuste voorust mitu korda läbi käinud ning ka lätlased kõigepealt unistasid, seejärel tegid plaani ja kaardistasid, mida ja kuidas neil vaja on ning nüüd nad liiguvad kindlalt sellel aia arenduse teel edasi.

2. Ikšķile kool on üks esimesi Lätis, kes on puhtalt taimetoitu pakkuv kool. Enamus toidust kasvatatakse ise, toit valmib kooli köögis ning võimalusel osalevad lapsed ettevalmistusprotsessis. Näiteks puhastades ube. Toidu teemal toimub pidev teadvustamine, juba lasteaialastele tehakse toidu kohta tunde, rääkides vitamiinidest ja mineraalidest ning sellest, mida tervislik toit peaks sisaldama. Lisaks on kooli õuel asuvas majakeses sisse seatud ökopood, kust nii lapsed kui lapsevanemad ja kohalikud inimesed saavad käia ostmas ökoloogiliselt puhast toitu. Taimetoitu.

Kuigi ehk nii radikaalne suund - ainult taimetoidu tarbimine - ei ole võibolla Gaia koolile omane, oleme ka meie suundunud taimetoidu tutvustamisele ning loomulikult on meil soov, et kunagi on meil oma köök, milles valmistame maitsvat toitu puhastest toorainetest. Kuni selle aja saabumiseni, on ka meil võimalik just toidu koostisest lastega rääkida. Me oleme ju see, mida me sööme.

3.  Ikšķile koolis on võimalik teha vahapaberit ja õmmelda riide jääkidest kotikesi, millega käia poes toitu ostmas. Eriti just puu- ja juurvilju. Ka meie tegime endale mõlemad. Selliste asjade kasutamine vähendab otseselt kilekotimajandust ning on väga jätkusuutlik.

4.  Ikšķile koolis on teemanädalad. Meie kohaloleku nädal oli teadusprojektid. Vanemate klasside õpilased viibivad siis teatud tundidel koos ühes klassiruumis ning toimuvad katsed ja muud praktilised tööd aine õpetamisel. Meie nägime, kuidas teha vikerkaarevett.

teaduslikud eksperimendid

5. Väga suurt tähelepanu pööratakse  Ikšķile koolis pärimusele. Muusikatundides mängitakse rahvuspille, lauldakse rahvalaule ning tähistatakse koos kooli ja kogukonnaga rahvuslikke tähtpäevi. Isegi tavalises loodusõpetuse tunnis saab lastele anda värsse rahvalaulust ning sealt seest peavad nad siis leidma, millise teemaga nende grupp parasjagu tegelema hakkab.

6. Ka  Ikšķile koolis on au sees ring. Nägime päris palju ringis istuvaid lapsi ning ringi koguneti nii päeva alguses kui tunni keskel kokkuvõtte tegemiseks või teemaga edasiminekuks, asjade arutamiseks jne. Samamoodi nagu gaia koolis, istusid lapsed põrandal vaiba peal. Osades klassides kasutati ka kristalle ja erinevaid kive, millest olid loodud mandalad. Väga palju oli rahvuslikke mustreid.

7. Väga palju nägime grupitööd. Kuna klassid on väikesed, siis on seda hea teha. Õpetaja jõuab etteantud aja jooksul iseseisvat tööd tegevate gruppide juurde neid abistama ja juhendama. Suuremate projektide puhul on klassis rohkem kui üks õpetaja.

8. Kõik kehalise kasvatuse tunnid toimuvad õues. Õueala on jaotatud tsoonideks ning isegi kelgumägi on tekitatud. Ilm ei mängi mingit rolli. Kui siis ainult selles, mis riided lapsed selga panevad.

9. Üks päev nädalas on metsapäev. Nii nagu Gaia koolis, lähevad ka  Ikšķile lapsed majast eemale loodusega tutvuma. Iga õpetaja valmistab ette, mida tehakse ning toimub ehe õuesõpe. Ka meie saime ühest sellisest tunnist osa. Üheks huvitavaks leiuks oli puukunst - paber asetada puutüvele ning siis ära värvida, tekib puu muster.

10.  Ikšķile kool on erakool ja kogukonnakool nii nagu Gaia koolgi. Eks neilgi ole aastate jooksul olnud erinevaid muresid kogukonna kaasamisel. Praeguseks hetkeks aga toimib süsteem, et iga lapsevanem on kohustatud kooli juures tegema teatud arv vabatahtlikke tunde. Põhimõtteliselt on see siis ükskõik milline abi. Arvestades nende aia suurust, koondub see abistamine suures osas aiatööde tegemisse. Aga mitte ainult. Siin on suur mõttekoht meile Gaias. Kuidas ikkagi luua toimivat kogukonda lapsevanematest ja kooli töötajatest.

11. Lisaks meid võõrustanud Ikšķile koolile, külastasime veel Jurmala Alternatiivkooli. Nad ise ka ütlesid, et kui kool loodi, oli tegu tõesti alternatiivse lähenemisega õppetööle, kuid nüüd on ajad teised ning ka tavalised koolid kasutavad palju erinevaid meetodeid. Meile anti päris põhjalik ülevaade kooli tööst ning külastasime ka ühte õuetundi. Väga suur rõhk on selles koolis õppija iseseisval tööl. Ta ise vastutab, kas tal on tööd tehtud. Õpilastel on õpimapid, kus kogu aasta töö sees. Meile oli põnevaks teadmiseks, et iga kooliastme lõpus läbivad lapsed peaaegu nädalase laagri, eemal linnast ning mugavustest ja see on kõigile kohustuslik. Laagris õpitakse looduses toimetulekut. Nagu meid vastu võtnud õpetaja teatas, on lapsevanemad laagritest rohkem ärevuses kui lapsed ise. Õuesõppe tunnis nägime värviliste lehtede korjamist, piirides püsimist, grupitööd ja matemaatikat.

12. Teine väga tore kool, mida külastasime, oli Ogresgala Pamatskola. Tegu on Läti ökokoolide lipulaevaga, kes olnud roheline kool juba kümme aastat. Oli väga vajalik kogemus, et ka meie roheliseks kooliks olemine hoogu juurde saaks ning me selle liikumise sisulise poolega paremini tegeleda suudaksime. Lisaks viidi meid õppekeskkonnaks kujundatud õuealale, kus toimusid erinevad tunnid samaaegselt. Väiksemad lapsed tegelesid mõõtmisega, suuremad mängisid meile ette aktiivse liikumisega inglise keele tunni ning päris pisikestel oli muusikanurgas muusikatund. See muusikanurk tekitas tohutu tahtmise just sellised asju ka meil teha. Vahel on lihtsad lahendused need, mille peale ise ei tule.

Kogu projektinädala vältel oli muidugi veel teisigi taipamisi ning mõned head ideed vajavad alles settimist. Samas on meil Gaia koolis juba endalgi teistele midagi pakkuda. JÄrgmine koolitusnädal on juba veebruaris ja siis ongi vastuvõtjaks Gaia kool.