Friday, November 23, 2018

Rohelise Kooli ja Erasmuse keskkonnateemalise projekti Save the Earth Recycle All raames toimus Gaia koolis taas ääretult huvitav ja põnev töötuba. Kõige olulisem strateegia on ju teadmiste hankimine ja enda käitumismudeli muutmine. Anname oma osa mõlemasse ja jälgime põnevusega, millised on tulemused. Töötubadest tegi kokkuvõtte õpetaja Kristel: 

"Koolitaja Kristjan Kangro tutvustas 1. ja 2.klassi õpilastele, kes on putukad ja missugused on nende tunnused. Lapsed said teada putukate rollist looduses, nende suurest panusest aineringes ja nende kasulikkusest toidu kasvatamisel. Räägiti ka toidu raiskamisest arenenud riikidest ja toidupuudusest maailma vaesemates riikides. Siit jõuti ka võimaluseni kasvatada putukaid toiduks, et leevendada toidupuudust maailmas ja säästa looduslikke ressursse nagu puhas vesi ja viljakas muld. 
Koolituse praktiline osa oli lähem tutvus jahuussidega. Kõik soovijad said neid ussikesi peo peal hoida. Seati sisse tubane putukahotell 25 jahuussile. Lapsed hakkavad nüüd jahuusse toitma ja nende kasvamist ning paljunemist jälgima."

In the frameworks of the Green School project and Erasmus "Save the Earth Recycle All", Gaia School had an extremely interesting and exciting workshop. In saving the environment, the most important strategy is to acquire knowledge and change your own behavioral patterns. We try to do both and look forward to the results. The workshops were summarized by teacher Kristel:

"Tutor Kristjan Kangro introduced the first and second class students who are insects and what their traits are. Children learned about the role of insects in nature, their great contribution to substance use and their usefulness in growing food, and talked about food waste in developed countries and food shortages in the poorer countries of the world. There is also an opportunity to grow insects for food to alleviate food shortages in the world and save natural resources such as clean water and fertile soil.
The practical part of the training was taking a closer look at meal worms. Everyone could hold those worms on their palms. An "insect hotel" was set up for 25 meal worms. Children are now starting to feed them  and observe their growth and reproduction. "

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